
Interactive Body

Complete interactive action, improves metabolism

Innovative product which increases the level of biological energy at dermal and subdermal level. Biological energy is the key element improving the metabolic mechanisms functioning. Contains specific active substances which have an influence concurrently on: bio-adipocyte activity, retained water and microcirculation. It is the first interactive bio-molecular reinvigorator intended for intense local anti-cellulite treatments and for skin firmness. The product can be applied in combination with using various aesthetical and medical equipment.


BENEFITS: Considerable increase in biological energy • affects adipocyte activity: adipogenesis, lipolysis and lipogenesis • facilitates elimination of metabolic wastes • improves microcirculation • reduces cellulite

ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Glycolic Acid • Caffeine • Carnitine • Glaucine

Code: C010

Capacity: 60 ml